Speech Therapy Success at Home
Speech Therapy homework and practice at home or in the classroom is not easy. It can be hard to find ways to motivate children to stay focused on drills and practicing skills over and over. It is especially when what they’re practicing is difficult for them. The key to finding success is using simple, fun, and effective games. This may look like a simple hamper above, but this at home speech therapy game is the key to successful practice at home!
How the Game Works

Set up these station cards around the room. At each station, make a plan for what you would like to accomplish at that station. For us on this day, we were focusing on the D sound, so each station had different phrases or activities to complete, including this dinosaur D sound dig.

Speech Therapy Game
Complete one station at a time, and then using a hamper full of a variety of balls, play a basketball game. Set a timer for 2 minutes (or whatever time you choose.) See how many baskets they can make in two minutes, how many trick shots you can complete, or any variety of games. Once the timer goes off, get back to complete the next station.
Adding just a little bit of variety and fun to the drill practice can make a difficult practice session in to a fun play time centered afternoon.
You can download the station label cards for free below!