Read Across America Day/ Dr. Seuss Day is such an exciting time for elementary schools. This often includes sitting with friends and reading books for the afternoon, dressing up as fun characters, or listening to stories. But, what can you do with your preschoolers, who don’t know how to read on their own, and can’t sit for hours at a time, to celebrate? Today I’m sharing Read Across America Day preschool ideas that you can do at home or in the classroom.

Everything we did for this activity can be found in this bundle above! Simply click on the picture and it will take you there.
Idea #1- Read books about reading
Even your youngest learners can sit and listen to a great book. Especially one about reading! Today we read, “Bunny’s Book Club” and “How to Read a Story.” These are my favorite books about reading and libraries and learning to love to read. As we read, we talked about our own favorite stories and then, we got to complete fun activities to go along with the books when we were done! So, idea #1- Read books about reading.

#2- Incorporate Reading Concepts Into Your Learning

To learn more about reading and Read Across America Day, incorporate ideas about reading in to your learning. Here we practiced fine motor skills. I wrote my sons name on a paper and gave him some beads. His job was to place the beads on the letters. He wanted to start by placing them in random order. But, we talked about how when you read you go from left to right, top to bottom. We practiced tracing the letters from left to right, naming the letters, and then we filled then in with beads. So, idea #2-Incorporate reading concepts into your learning.
#3- Retell Stories as You Work

Preschoolers love to tell stories, especially if it’s a story they know and can add in their own fun. Today, we read “Bunny’s Book Club,” then, as we practice cutting out pictures from the story, we retold the story, and added in our own fun. Get them talking about reading! So, idea #3 retell stories as you work.
#4- Talk About Books While You Work

This idea is similar to #3, except for you want to get them talking about other books. Today, we worked on matching pictures. As we matched each picture, we discussed books that we love to read, some of our favorites, and we talked about going to the library. The more you talk about reading, and help them see joy in reading, the more they will grow to love to read! So idea #4, talk about books while you work.
As you celebrate Read Across America Day, bring in as much reading fun as you can. That doesn’t have to mean that you sit for hours “reading” next to a friend. Talk about reading, get excited about reading, and find joy in reading! I hope you can use some of these Read Across America Day preschool ideas.
Find the work we completed today here:
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