Rainy days can be a challenge when you have a toddler. Believe me- I had 3 sons who were each just 2 years apart from each other. It made for some really trick and difficult toddler days when we were stuck inside! Today I wanted to share a few rainy day activities for toddlers that can entertain them and help you want to keep smiling.

Rainy Day Activities for Toddlers
- Indoor Obstacle Course: Create a fun obstacle course using pillows, cushions, and blankets. Place the pillows in a zig-zag formation to create a tunnel, lay blankets over chairs to make tunnels to crawl through, and use cushions to create a balance beam. You can also add in other activities such as jumping jacks or crawling under tables. This has been a fan favorite at our house. My very favorite tool for this is blue painters tape. You can place it on the floor in all different patterns and shapes and your child can follow the tape!
- Sensory Bins: Sensory bins are a great way for toddlers to explore different textures, shapes, and colors. Simply fill a large container with materials such as rice, beans, or sand and add in small toys or objects for your child to find and play with. You can also add in utensils such as spoons or funnels for your child to use and explore. The favorite one at our house- fill a bin full of cotton balls and small sand shovels. My boys LOVED shoveling the “snow” out of the sensory bin- even if it was raining outside instead of snowing!
- Reading and Storytelling: Rainy days are the perfect time to snuggle up with your little one and read some books. Choose books with bright colors and engaging stories to capture their attention. You can also make up your own stories or encourage your child to tell you a story. Do you want to make this more exciting for a special day? Try having a book party! We have a simple book party by laying out blankets and pillows. I bring over some snacks and drinks, a small selection of books, and we have a book party, reading until we can’t anymore.
- The Napping House Book Companion: Have you read the book, “The Napping House?” It is a fan favorite at our house. Because my children love it so much I created a book companion to go along with this book. The book companion prints out 5 pages your child can complete after reading the book, as well as gives other activity ideas to go along with the story.
Find it here:

In conclusion, rainy days don’t have to be boring for toddlers. With a little creativity and planning, you can keep your child engaged and entertained all day long. Try out these 4 activity ideas and see which ones your toddler enjoys the most.