Valentine’s Day at Home
This year, Valentine’s Day is going to look a little different for all of us. For our littlest ones, it may mean not handing out Valentine’s to friends at school, and missing parties with close friends. But, that doesn’t mean there can’t be fun! Here are 5 ideas for a preschool Valentine’s Day at home this year:
Idea #1 Play Bingo

There is something about Bingo for little hands that they just love! Pull out some candy, beans, or small blocks and use them to play this simple, FREE, and fun Valentine’s Day Bingo!
Find it here:
Idea #2- Paint with Q-Tips

Want to work on fine motor skills, handwriting, and having fun all in one?! Grab your favorite printable, coloring book, or blank piece of paper, and let your little one paint with a q tip. It enhances their fine motor skills and allows for pencil holding skills to really take hold!
Idea #3- Throw a Special Dinner
This year, we are having a special Valentine’s Day dinner at our house. We will be spreading out a picnic blanket, dressing up in our fanciest clothes, turning on some candles, cooking up some chicken nuggets and French fries, with a side of strawberries (my 4 year old always has to have those strawberries!) and eating in the the candlelight. I can’t wait for this fun to happen!
Idea #4- Create a Valentine Card
There are countless ways to make a Valentine’s Day card. If you are looking for a ready to go, make your own, design it your way Valentine picture, you can grab this free file below:
You can use this to practice cutting, gluing, and add in stickers, coloring, designing and more!
You can also find this in my full “There was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Rose” Book Companion below:
Idea #6- Let them Decorate
Letting your children feel a part of the celebrations really sets the stage for a successful and fun day. Get out some paper, some string, tape, glue, scissors and more. They could make heart garlands, cut out hearts to hang on your door, or come up with their own designs. If this stresses you out (and you’re not alone!), do it on actual Valentine’s Day, then you can enjoy the art for the day but take it down the day after.
All in all, this year is very different. It’s hard as a parent when you know your children are missing out on normal fun with their peers. But, you can bring Valentine’s Day magic to your home in a simple and inexpensive way, and I promise it will be a day they will remember for a long time!
1 Comment
Thank you for sharing with me! I will look in to this and figure out what’s going on.