Are you looking for an entire school year worth of Preschool Curriculum for 3 and 4 year olds, ready to use, no prep, themed, and age appropriate? Are you looking for the best preschool curriculum to give you ideas, standards based material, and a variety of themes? Are you looking for a preschool curriculum that can help your children learn all they need to know by the end of preschool to prepare them for kindergarten?
Little Owl Academy has now been creating preschool curriculum, products, supplementary materials, and more for 5 years. I am asked a lot about my different preschool curriculum options, so I wanted to create a landing point where all of these curriculums are described so you know which best fits your child or classroom. So without further ado, here is all the preschool curriculum from Little Owl Academy.
Themes For All Year

This preschool curriculum bundle includes 34 themes to help your students learn all year long. Each theme correlates with the month you will find it in. It includes only black and white printable pages for each theme. Most themes include over 20 pages of low prep learning fun covering all of the preschool standards. It progressively gets more advanced as your students move through the year. Each theme includes songs and other ideas to go along with that theme. This is a great option for a full year of preschool curriculum to include at home or in your classroom.
Preschool For Toddlers

If you have a toddler, or teach young children, this toddler preschool curriculum is perfect for you. This toddler curriculum is geared towards children age 2-3 years old. It is meant to be done along with an adult. Each packet includes 5 color and 5 black and white pages of activities to go along with a fun book your toddler will love. Read the book together, and then complete the activities at their pace. These activities are simple, age appropriate, and are a great way to lead into beginning preschool skills.
Book Companions for Preschoolers

If you enjoy the toddler curriculum, but are ready for more advanced concepts to be learning, this preschool book companion bundle is perfect for you. I have to admit, this is my true pride and joy work. This has been created from pure love! Read the story with your child or class, and complete 10 color or black and white activities from each packet. All preschool standards are covered. You can complete one page or all of them from each packet and they correlate with each book being read. This is a perfect way to teach all the preschool standards while incorporating learning fun as well!
New Preschool Curriculum

I have had many requests for a new preschool curriculum from Little Owl that includes even more to each week, including full lesson plans and more materials. This is what you will find here! This preschool curriculum will include everything you will ever need to teach preschool. It includes individual themes, correlating to the month you will teach them Each theme includes book companions, task cards, letters of the week, math concepts for the week, circle time activities, and lesson plans. If you are teaching preschool at home, or in the classroom, and you find yourself starting from square one with absolutely no curriculum, this is a fantastic place to go because it truly has everything you will need! Find it below:
Looking for something else specific from Little Owl Academy? Reach out to me on instagram @melissaslittleowlacademy or by email littleowlacademyresources@gmail.com