If you’ve been around for a while, you know I love quiet books. If you are new here- welcome! And know that you’ve come to the printable quiet book headquarters! Here at Little Owl Academy you can create your own quiet book. Today I am sharing about the newest member of my quiet book family: the mini quiet book.

Are you wanting to assemble your own quiet book?
Several years ago, I went to a craft fair. There I saw adorable quiet books that were a “cheap” $100. Believe me, I want creative and good activities for my children, but I knew I could create it at a more affordable price. So, I set about creating my own! You can learn about my original quiet book here:
As much as I love my original quiet books, I have since realized I wanted something smaller. Something easy for little hands, easy for road trips, and easy for learning time. Thus, I created the printable mini quiet book.

This new quiet book is small enough to fit in your hand. If you are looking to make your own for your young children or students, then this is perfect for you.
To make this quiet book first grab the printable pages:
After you own the printable pages, you need a few supplies. You will need to order flash card size binders. I found mine on amazon. You will also need laminator paper, card stock, and sticky tack. From there it’s simple to make your own quiet book.
All you have to do is print, laminate, cut, assemble and use!
All in all, this quiet book costs around $30 (with the purchase of the supplies) which is far less than the expensive quiet books you may find for your children at craft fairs. It takes about an hour to assemble and is fun to use again and again and again!

Want to hear something else exciting? I have other themed mini quiet books that come in a bundle at a discounted price. If you are interested in a bundle of options grab them here.
As always- thank you for supporting Little Owl Academy~!