My son has been in speech therapy since he was 2 years old. Now at 5, it’s become a big part of our lives. With an education degree, I thought I would understand the world of speech, but it’s been a huge learning curve. There is so much to learn and do and say! After years of attending speech therapy and studying, I have come up with my own speech therapy ideas for us to practice at home. Instead of just drill and kill, it’s fun, full of movement, and lots of language practice. Today I’m sharing L sound speech therapy ideas at home or in the classroom.
L Sound Ladybug Hunt

This ladybug L sound hunt got us moving for sure. I cut out the lady bugs. You can find them at the button below. On the back I wrote words that began with the L sound. I hid them around our family room. My son had to run and find a ladybug, and run it back to me, say the L word correctly, then go hunt for more. It also goes along great with the book “Ten Little Ladybugs” by Melanie Gerth.
L Sound Mary Had A Little Lamb

Singing adds a whole other dimension to speech therapy practice. For this L sound speech therapy idea at home or in the classroom, we cut out a little lamb that wants to go to school. He moved the lamb along the line to school. As he moved we practiced saying, “Mary had a little lamb,” making sure to get that L sound just right! Then we ended by singing together, “Mary Had A Little Lamb.”
L Sound Speech Therapy Idea

Another idea for incorporating L sound speech therapy ideas at home or in the classroom is by practicing wriI always like to incorporate the letter practice as well, into our speech therapy practice. He colored the letter L, traced the letter L, drew an L all on his own, and colored L pictures. As he work we practice words with L in the middle. Then we practice saying each picture name together.
Other L Sound Ideas

Some more fun things we did were counting to 10 using lions. We glued the lions next to each number, practiced counting that number, and said that many L words. So when we practice the number 4, we said an L word 4 times.
The favorite activity of the day was the lily pad jump. I placed lily pads on the floor and we hopped from one to the next carrying a picture with an L word on it. Once we reached the end we practiced the L sound and started all over again.
In the end, I think that speech therapy practice goes more smoothly if it’s fun! You can find some more of my ideas for making speech therapy fun below: